Productive, engaging and reliable solutions for business outcomes you deserve.

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Project Name: Rainmakerforce

Project Type: Public Site

Technology: Php, bootstrap, Jquery, HTML5, Css3


Description : The iKshamta team is proud of this achievement as it was built with master designers and UX experts. We built this site with the latest technology using modern and sleek design elements - Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5 and Jquery as well as image publishing tools in the Adobe Creative Suite. The themes, coloring, fonts, tones and effects were designed to match our client’s branding to show innovation, simplicity, functional design and professionalism. The design has been noted highly by customers of our client and considered as the key reason they chose to work with them. The design team of iKshamta followed extremely high quality guidelines and flexible content production standards to make this possible. The results of this work are shown in the increasing engagement seen from web visitors coming to this site.

Project Name: Rainmakerforce Sales CRM

Project Type: Sales Appilication Product

Technology: Angular, Laravel, Jquery, Php, bootstrap, HTML5, Css3


Description : This Artificial Intelligence web application developed for our client is one of the most significant deliverables by the iKshamta team. The RainmakerForce Sales CRM uses advanced technology as well as algorithmic programming using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, data science and visualization tools. The core of the engine has been built entirely on a LAMP stack with MVC design, DOM components, Angular 5, JQuery and front-end JavaScript frameworks. Algorithmic work uses LOGIT/PROBIT models for predicting win & loss outcomes in sales (managing deals with customers). We stand proudly behind our senior development team that got this accomplished to enable our Silicon Valley based client become an innovation leader in sales technologies.

Project Name: Rickmacci Tennis Academy

Project Type: Public site

Technology: Php, bootstrap, Jquery, HTML5, Css3

Description : iKshamta was selected as the premier tech partner for the world-famous Rick Macci Tennis Academy in Boca Raton, Florida, USA. This high-performance training academy has coached tennis legends like Serena Williams, Jennifer Capriati, and Andy Roddick to make them World #1! Our client chose iKshamta for our credibility, professionalism, timeliness and high work quality. Check out our gallery to see the drone-video of the academy that was produced for our client. Most notable in this project is the speed at which it was completed and delivered. Rick Macci himself provided the following testimonial, “Amazing! Your team has created magic and shown what my academy and legacy means to the tennis community around the world!” We, at IKshamta, could not be more proud to earn this honor!

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